Saturday 11 June 2016

Firewood season

It's been unusually chilly here. So, time to crank up the fire. I got another delivery of my firewood in, stacked it all beautifully in my gorgeous wood shed under my steps. (ahhh, the happiness in saying all that - it wasn't a happening thing last year - how time flies!). Must have squirrel in my genes.

and here it is

Friday 10 June 2016

Flowering Nikau

Look at this beautiful flowering nikau palm. Tree stages of flowers / seeds on at once.

Thursday 9 June 2016

How to make a path

I had made a path along here last year, but the pineapple sage has grown so magnificently well that it overhangs it and you can't walk on it. So, a new path is required. This time I used the hose as a straight edge and it does look a bit straighter.

This was last year's attempt. Which is still there under the weeds and clay.
Progress huh?

Wednesday 8 June 2016

Plant winter seedlings

Rain rain go away, come again another day

It has been raining! Cats and dogs! But it finally stopped, so I can go back out into my garden. It took a few days for the bog to seep away, and then, gumboots on, winter planting time!

I've got spinach, and kale, and wall flowers, and alyssum, and basil, all grown from seed.
Soooo satisfying. It can rain again for a week, I'm all good with that.

Thursday 2 June 2016

Winter Produce

It has been raining for weeks! And weeks.

But today it was sunny and gorgeous (and freezing). So...a trip to the garden to harvest things.

I've got half a box of persimmons and silver beet and courgettes. And flowers. And a sprig of the bay tree. Quite a haul. Sooooo satisfying too.

I'm needing to pick the persimmons before they are totally ripe because last year I had a big crop. And ate about 3. Because the birds decided they were delicious. And they were.

This year I'm picking them under-ripe and ripening them up on the window sill. And leaving a few for the birds, high up where the cats won't get them.

Saturday 30 April 2016

Greens for Bunnies

I was in the pet shop buying bunny nibbles today, and the pet shop lady was feeding the bunnies kale and greens.

I can do that too!

So I did.

Maybe some dock too?

Friday 29 April 2016