At this time of year, in spring, all the bees start multiplying like mad. So they need bigger houses to accommodate all the extra family. So many new boxes are required. Here they are, not quite made yet.
And once they have been made they need to be preserved in some way, so they can withstand the weather better. Often you see beehives painted in some lurid colour that looks like the cheap leftovers from the local paint shop (or all beekeepers are a bit colour blind?).
But these boxes are going to be dipped in hot linseed oil for preservation.
The oil comes in huge drums. And it is being added to the heating trough.
Which is then heated up, the boxes added 6 at a time and left to soak, then fished out.
Dripping on the side for a while...
And isn't this just a beautiful sight? Golden and oiled, waiting for new homes.
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