Friday, 22 May 2015


What to do on a rainy weekend?  Fish out the ancient spinning wheel from under the house and get it going!  It required a couple of new bits, as the old ones had rusted away.  And a good coat of linseed and turps.  Couldn't for the life of me remember how to thread it all up, where the drive bands attached to, but thank goodness for google.  But once I'd made it actually go round, turns out it really is like riding a bicycle, my hands knew just exactly what to do.  As long as I kept my brain out of it.

I'm pretty proud of this, as my first effort in 20 years.  I've got to make another one the same, and then ply them - twist them together with the spin in the opposite direction - if I can remember how....  I think it will make about an 8 ply yarn, we'll see.

This fleece is leftovers of an old one I had, its a natural grey colour, or will be when I have washed it.  Its possible its gone a bit yellow with age though.  It came as a carded sliver, see below, so it is clean, and all brushed, and very easy to spin. You can spin direct from the cut staples off a sheep's back which takes longer and more preparation, but this is what I had.  I've bought a new fleece, a chocolate natural colour, but thought I'd get all the knots out of my technique on my practice one first.

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