Ramp ingenuity: It has rained so much lately that our ramp access to the backyard has become impassable. If you take even one step off the board walk you end up deep in the mud and squelch, and stuck. Gumboots definitely not going anywhere. The boards were the first step, to try and extend the range into the garden without getting your feet glued down.
But with the water still on the ramp it was like a slide. So we have nailed a piece of plastic garden mesh down the ramp - I found this lurking around, I think it held up beans in a former life. I suspect that after a wheel barrow has been up and down a few times, it will not have another reincarnation.
And it is working really well too, after the rain lets up. We had a couple of dry days and managed to wheel some more of the pile of top soil down without any OSH style mishaps (occupational health and safety - which would actually be OHS then wouldn't it?)
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