Monday, 22 June 2015

Vintage Glass Bottles

Every where we dug on my backyard, we uncovered old bottles, and bits of glass, and broken crockery. Even some unbroken stuff. I've saved the best and planted them in front of the hebe hedge. Although I rather wish I had saved more, even broken crockery could look good. I think the digger managed to smash quite a bit though, some of the breaks look pretty recent.

This blue bottle, above, is a beautiful shade of glass. Some of the little bottles in the front are interesting shapes, maybe they were medicine bottles?  I think these are really vintage, not just slightly old. If they were there before the old retaining wall was built, that would make them more than 96 years old.

The little white object here above, is a candlestick holder I think. It has blue markings.

Another possibility is that they are from the drinking days of my house. For a number of years my house was a speakeasy, an illegal drinking house. This was back in the day when NZ had prohibition, so people had to sneak into houses for a drink. Or something like that. There was another speakeasy down the other end of my street, which had until recently, still got the barred grill over the front door. My house had a big bar, complete with coasters on the walls, in the lounge when I bought it.

And just for a really funny twist, my house was also owned by the Salvation Army for 40 years. Not for old men with drinking problems though, which would be very ironic, but for the Auckland commander.

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