Saturday, 13 June 2015

What to do to bees in winter

I got to be bee girl today! And I didn't get stung! Although all the bees were quite quiet and sleepy, as it was quite cold, and they are mostly settling in for the winter, ready to seal up their hives and bee-hibernate. Even the dog wasn't so wary, and came up round the hives.

Some of the hives were being attacked by wasps though, so we went out to deal with that, by restricting their entrances, so the bees had more chance to fight off the intruder wasps. Here you can see that the bees have got a whole lot more interested in us and what we were doing, they all came rushing out to defend their hive, perfectly proper bee behaviour.  Normally in summer, there would be crowds of them like this anyway, just going about their foraging business.

These hives have all got a feeder in them, the black box hole to the left. This contains sugar syrup and helps with those hives that don't have enough honey reserves to see them through winter.

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