Saturday, 20 June 2015

Planting Fruit Trees

So here are my first 2 fruit trees planted. This one is a grafted plum with 3 varieties on it, Black Doris, Omega and Santa Rosa, so it will fertilise itself. I dug a couple of huge holes, half filled it with compost, added sheep pellets and watered it all, then plonked the tree in and filled with more compost. Each hole used about a bag and a half of compost. This top hole was in the clay, but half way down I hit the original ground and top soil.

And this one is a Black Boy peach. Peaches don't do so well in Auckland, too humid I think, but I've been told that black boy is OK. My Grandma used to have a huge black peach tree, and I loved them, but she was allergic to them, so never ate them. This hole is in the bank below where the clay mountain was, and is deep into a lovely pile of composty mulch that was buried by the clay.

Now, the only real problem that I have is I just googled 'planting fruit trees distance apart', and par for the course, I have planned them all about 3 times too close. So if I could just stretch the boundaries of my section a bit.....

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